Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom:

This video made me see and think about things from a different perspective. The possibilities seem endless. Before this class, I never really took into consideration just how important integrating technology into the classroom is. Things like podcasting really can benefit the student and the teacher. Not only are there benefits for the student and teacher; parent involvement is a benefit that comes from this as well. It allows them to be in tune to what their children are learning in school by seeing/hearing what is going on.

Different ways to learn and increasing creativity are two things from this video that I found to be huge perks immediately. Something else that made me elated even more was the opportunity for distance learning that it gives to absent students; allowing them to stay on task and on top of things. It was really neat to see students being able to learn wherever they are. It is allowing us to take learning to the next level. I believe that once I am in the classroom and a teacher I will use podcasts as well.


  1. "I never really took into consideration just how important integrating technology into the classroom is." Now you are learning.

    Do be a podcaster!

  2. I think showing students the "different ways to learn" is going to be key in the clasasroom. I also think we will see more distance learning, not only when students are absent, but learning from experts from other places. Great post!
