Sunday, April 4, 2010


"The Follis Files"

Candace Follis posted on the 5th of February:
Collaboration and Cooperative Learning
The blog was about group work and the negatives of assigning students to specific groups. I responded:
I agree with your beliefs on letting students group themselves. You trying this is proof that it works and the outcomes they can produce as a group can be amazing! Results like these will outweigh the "lackluster" groups as you put it. There will always be students in your class like that, no matter how you decide to assign groups.

From my experience as a student I ALWAYS dreaded group work. Because my memory take me back to being in groups with students who could care less about their grade and if their work was A worthy. It was always a hassle, and from someone who has been there, I commend her decision completely!

Candace Follis posted on the 13th of March:
New Favorite Reading Handout
This blog was about BDA (Before, During, After) reading handout, called "Reciprocal Teaching". Her approach of encouraging her students to engage in conversation and not just copy down is great and seems like it would help in their understanding as well. She received positive feedback from her students, after they had a chance to experience this technique, which is exciting!

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