Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Who Knew?!

I had no idea Google has so much to offer. Before this class, I thought Google was nothing more than a search engine that led me to where I wanted to go on the web. I was (and am still) amazed at all the things that I have learned to utilize with Google so far in this glass. My blog, g-mail account, google doc’s, igoogle, and learning how to use Google Earth are just a few. I’m sure I’m sure there are so many that I have even yet to have the opportunity to utilize.

I have enhanced my use of technology tremendously this semester and I can now say, with pride, that I know how to do other things on the computer rather than jut sign on Facebook and check my e-mail. I hope that I can embrace what I have learned so far and my knowledge keeps continuing to grow!

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