Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dr. Seuss-The Zax
What a cute video! (Click this link to view for yourself.) These two Zax are definitely stubborn, is what I was thinking the whole time I watched this video! This video is a good depiction that being stubborn gets you absolutely nowhere. Knowing how to accept change and work with others, and modify what you think is ‘right’ and be able to see other sides other your own is the only way you’re going to (travel) get anywhere.

It’s important to remember these things as teachers as well. We are going to be working with students, other teachers, parents, principles and several other people. There are going to be many ideas about how, when and why things are done. This is no place or career for being stubborn, like the Zax.

PS 22
This video was incredible! I really enjoyed listening to these children sing; it’s such a wonderful song. Without technology others would not have the opportunity to see this precious video. This goes for any blog, podcast, post as well. It’s a open door to stay connected, learn more, and experience things that we otherwise would not.

With posting, like with Comments4Students, it gives the students to receive positive and negative comments from someone other than their teacher. I have really enjoyed getting to read the blogs of these students throughout this semester; many of which have put a smile on my face!


  1. There are so many examples of great blogs out there! The ways these blogs influence the education of students today are only limited by the minds using them, just remember not to be a Zaz!

  2. An interesting set of posts! Well done.
